Foley sound synthesis at the DCASE 2023 challenge

The addition of Foley sound effects during post-production is a common technique used to enhance the perceived acoustic properties of multimedia content. Traditionally, Foley sound has been produced by human Foley artists, which involves manual recording and mixing of sound. However, recent advances in sound synthesis and generative models have generated interest in machine-assisted or… Continue reading Foley sound synthesis at the DCASE 2023 challenge

ReNAR: Reducing Noise with Augmented Reality

Noise pollution has a significant impact on quality of life. In the office, noise exposure creates stress that leads to reduced performance, provokes annoyance responses and changes in social behaviour. Headphones with excellent noise-cancelling processors can now be acquired in order to protect oneself from the noise exposure. While these techniques have reached a high… Continue reading ReNAR: Reducing Noise with Augmented Reality

Perceptual musical similarity metric learning with graph neural networks @ IEEE WASPAA

Sound retrieval for assisted music composition depends on evaluating similarity between musical instrument sounds, which is partly influenced by playing techniques. Previous methods utilizing Euclidean nearest neighbours over acoustic features show some limitations in retrieving sounds sharing equivalent timbral properties, but potentially generated using a different instrument, playing technique, pitch or dynamic. In this paper,… Continue reading Perceptual musical similarity metric learning with graph neural networks @ IEEE WASPAA

Zero-Note Samba: Self-supervised beat tracking @ IEEE TASLP

Supervised machine learning for music information retrieval requires a large annotated training set, and thus a high cognitive workload. To circumvent this problem, we propose to train deep neural networks to perceive beats in musical recordings despite having little or no access to human annotations. The key idea, which we name “Zero-Note Samba” (ZeroNS), is to train two fully convolutional networks in parallel: the first analyzes the percussive part of a musical piece whilst the second analyzes its non-percussive part. These networks learn a self-supervised pretext task of synchrony prediction (sync-pred), which simulates the ability of musicians to groove together when playing in the same band. Sync-pred encourages the two networks to return similar outputs if the underlying musical parts are synchronized, yet dissimilar outputs if the parts are out of sync. In practice, we obtain the instrumental parts from commercial recordings via an off-the-shelf source separation system: Spleeter. After self-supervised learning with sync-pred, ZeroNS produces a sparse output that resembles a beat detection function. When used in conjunction with a dynamic Bayesian network, ZeroNS surpasses the state of the art in unsupervised beat tracking. Furthermore, fine-tuning ZeroNS to a small set of labeled data (of the order of one to ten songs) matches the performance of a fully supervised network on 96 songs. Lastly, we show that pre-training a supervised model with sync-pred mitigates dataset bias and thus improves cross-dataset generalization, at no extra annotation cost.

BioacAI: Understanding animal sounds with machine learning

Official website: The biodiversity crisis is coming into focus. Yet, data for monitoring wild animal populations are still incomplete and uncertain. And there are still big gaps in our understanding of animal behaviour and interactions. Animals make sounds that convey so much information. How can we use this to help monitor and protect wildlife?… Continue reading BioacAI: Understanding animal sounds with machine learning

PhD offer: “Theory and implementation of multi-resolution neural networks”

The French national center for scientific research (CNRS) is hiring a PhD student as part of a three-year project on “Multi-Resolution Neural Networks” (MuReNN). MuReNN is supported by the French national funding agency (ANR), and hosted at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (LS2N). A collaboration with the Austrian Academy of Sciences is… Continue reading PhD offer: “Theory and implementation of multi-resolution neural networks”

MuReNN: Multi-Resolution Neural Networks

“Less is more”, once the foundational motto of minimalist art, is making its way into artificial intelligence. After a maximalist decade of larger computers training larger neural networks on larger datasets (2012-2022), a countertrend arises. What if human-level performance could be achieved with less computing, less memory, and less supervision? In deep learning, the research… Continue reading MuReNN: Multi-Resolution Neural Networks

Explainable audio classification of playing techniques with layerwise relevance propagation @ IEEE ICASSP

Deep convolutional networks (convnets) in the time-frequency domain can learn an accurate and fine-grained categorization of sounds. For example, in the context of music signal analysis, this categorization may correspond to a taxonomy of playing techniques: vibrato, tremolo, trill, and so forth. However, convnets lack an explicit connection with the neurophysiological underpinnings of musical timbre perception. In this article, we propose a data-driven approach to explain audio classification in terms of physical attributes in sound production. We borrow from current literature in “explainable AI” (XAI) to study the predictions of a convnet which achieves an almost perfect score on a challenging task: i.e., the classification of five comparable real-world playing techniques from 30 instruments spanning seven octaves. Mapping the signal into the carrier-modulation domain using scattering transform, we decompose the networks’ predictions over this domain with layer-wise relevance propagation. We find that regions highly-relevant to the predictions localized around the physical attributes with which the playing techniques are performed.

Perceptual–Physical–Sound Matching @ IEEE ICASSP

Sound matching algorithms seek to approximate a target waveform by parametric audio synthesis. Deep neural networks have achieved promising results in matching sustained harmonic tones. However, the task is more challenging when targets are nonstationary and inharmonic, e.g., percussion. We attribute this problem to the inadequacy of loss function. On one hand, mean square error in the parametric domain, known as “P-loss”, is simple and fast but fails to accommodate the differing perceptual significance of each parameter. On the other hand, mean square error in the spectrotemporal domain, known as “spectral loss”, is perceptually motivated and serves in differentiable digital signal processing (DDSP). Yet, spectral loss is a poor predictor of pitch intervals and its gradient may be computationally expensive; hence a slow convergence. Against this conundrum, we present Perceptual-Neural-Physical loss (PNP). PNP is the optimal quadratic approximation of spectral loss while being as fast as P-loss during training. We instantiate PNP with physical modeling synthesis as decoder and joint time-frequency scattering transform (JTFS) as spectral representation. We demonstrate its potential on matching synthetic drum sounds in comparison with other loss functions.