Clara is working on augmented reality approaches to improve sound comfort in indoor environments, specifically in shared workspaces. She is a PhD student, supervised by Nicolas Misdariis from the Ircam in Paris and Mathieu Lagrange from the SIMS team at LS2N.
Category: General
BirdVox in MIT Technology Review
Vincent speaks to MIT Technology Review on the past, present, and future of machine learning for bird migration monitoring.
Introducing: Reyhaneh Abbasi
Reyhaneh is working on the generation of mouse ultrasonic vocalizations, with applications to animal behavior research.
Content-Based Indexing for Audio and Music: From Analysis to Synthesis
Audio has long been a key component of multimedia research. As far as indexing is concerned, the research and industrial context has changed drastically in the last 20 years or so. Today, applications of audio indexing range from karaoke applications to singing voice synthesis and creative audio design. This special session aims at bringing together researchers that aim at proposing new tools or paradigms to investigate audio and music processing in the context of indexation and corpus-based generation.
“Can Technology Save Biodiversity?” Call for papers
While technological development has been a key driver of climate change and biodiversity loss, humans from high income countries continue their unbridled race for innovation and technological development. Throughout history, technological developments have allowed humans to exploit more and more natural resources. These technological developments have, themselves, consumed more and more natural resources and generated… Continue reading “Can Technology Save Biodiversity?” Call for papers
Réseau thématique “Capteurs en environnement” (RTCE)
Site officiel : Forum : Le réseau a pour vocation de rassembler l’ensemble des acteurs œuvrant dans les disciplines dédiées à la mesure in natura, en environnement naturel ou semi-naturel, souvent fortement anthropisé. L’ensemble des systèmes ou écosystèmes sont considérés : atmosphère, biosphère, terre interne ou externe, lacs, océans, glaciers et calotte de glace,… Continue reading Réseau thématique “Capteurs en environnement” (RTCE)
Favet Neptunus eunti
Welcome to our website. We are the special interest group on Audio at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (France), or Audio@LS2N for short.
Bienvenue sur notre site. Nous sommes le groupe de travail sur l’audio du Laboratoire des sciences du numérique de Nantes ou Audio @ LS2N.