WeAMEC PETREL project presented at Seanergy

Seanergy, the leading international event on offshore renewables energy, had its 2024 edition at Parc des expositions in Nantes.

As part of the PETREL project, i have presented a poster with the title: “Towards the sustainable design of smart acoustic sensors for environmental monitoring of offshore renewables”. We reproduce the abstract below.

Full program: https://seanergy-forum.com/research-posters/

Despite their key role in the global energy transition, the infrastructures which produce marine renewable energy have an impact on local fauna which remains difficult to quantify. In this context, PETREL (Platform for the Environmental Tracking of Renewable Energy and wildlife) aims to invent a sustainable and environmentally responsible solution to the problem of the environmental monitoring of renewable energy production facilities. The resort to a sensor rather than a direct observation survey is justified by the need to cover large remote area over a prolonged period. 

PETREL will include a machine listening system for massive bioacoustic data so as to detect flight calls of pelagic birds on the SEM-REV experimental site, in the Atlantic Ocean, 20 km off the shore of Le Croisic. The originality of PETREL will be to offer a high uptime thanks to solar panels powering an embedded, energy-efficient artificial intelligence (AI) system.

The scientific obstacle for PETREL lies in the constraints of reliability and autonomy of offshore bioacoustic instrumentation. We propose to remove this barrier via a multidisciplinary approach, combining three areas of research: information sciences, engineering sciences and life sciences.