Please submit your abstract (max. 200 words) towards a special session at Forum Acusticum / Euronoise, to be held in Málaga (Spain) on June 23–26, 2025.
Tag: nirvana-project
International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR)
The 6th edition of the VIHAR workshop will be held in Kos, Greece, as a satellite event of INTERSPEECH. Vincent will chair one of the sessions and present a short paper named Towards Differentiable Motor Control of Bird Vocalizations. Official website:
PhD offer: Developmental robotics of birdsong
The Neurocybernetic team of ETIS Lab (CNRS, CY Cergy-Paris University, ENSEA) is seeking applicants for a fully funded PhD place providing an exciting opportunity to pursue a postgraduate research in the fields of bio/neuro-inspired robotics, ethology, neuroscience.Webpage: This PhD is funded by the French ANR, under the 4 years’ project “Nirvana” on sensorimotor integration of… Continue reading PhD offer: Developmental robotics of birdsong